Look at this guy, Diane, isn’t he lovely??Two years in January, dark brown with a lovely head. Lindvattnet’s Fabian – Ozzy.
Nice lookin’ guy!
blogg Posted on lör, oktober 23, 2010 11:23- Kommentarer(5) https://blogg.aberlours.se/?p=416
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Look at this guy, Diane, isn’t he lovely??Two years in January, dark brown with a lovely head. Lindvattnet’s Fabian – Ozzy.
Vilken snygging! Men så är han väl dalmas också va ;). /Anna
H doesn’t look like his grandad but can see a similiar head shape in the offspring. Hope he’s got his grandad’s temperament, he’s such a lovely boy and gives cuddles to everyone!
Well, Choco is Ozzy’s grandfather, no wonder he looks a bit like him…
You can definitely see some of Choco’s lines in there as I see his sister is in the pedigree. I’ve just used a Choco son on my Carmen.
Så fin han är, nästan lika fin som Sune : )